Higher Education Data Warehousing Forum
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HEDW Webinar - Enhancing Data Quality in Higher Education - UVA's Journey on Thursday, June 13, 2024 At 3:30pm Eastern US

In today’s dynamic data-driven landscape, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of information is paramount, especially within the higher education sector. At the University of Virginia (UVA), where data flows from diverse ERP systems to various schools and units, maintaining data quality becomes a critical endeavor.

Join us on a journey through UVA’s commitment to data excellence. In this talk, we will delve into the multifaceted world of Quality Assurance (QA) practices that underpin our data processes. From meticulous validation to proactive error detection, discover how UVA fosters trust in the data products we create. 

A Q&A session will follow with time to discuss the presentation.

To register, go here.