HEDW Membership
Who can join?
- HEDW membership is open to any members of the higher education community
- Members must have an email address ending with .edu.
- Higher education institutions outside the US are also welcome, but must be manually registered by the HEDW Forum Executive Board.
- The links and steps necessary for joining can be found by selecting the Join menu item
- Request an exception via this exception request form (also available via the Become a Member page)
- Members can only edit their profile after logging on
- Click the Edit Profile link under your name in the login box on the right side of the page
- or Select the Edit Profile menu item under the Members menu
- Your email address can only be changed by web site administrators
- Your new email address must still come from a higher education institution
- Put in a request via the contact form and be sure to include current and new email addresses
- Digest settings are changed by editing your profile
- Select the "Change Digest Settings" menu item on the Members menu
- After making your changes, scroll to the bottom and click the "Update Profile" button
- Click the "HEDW" link in the upper left of the page to return to the web site
- You can delete your own account, but you must be logged in
- Select the "Delete My Account" menu item on the Members menu
- or go directly to the delete page