Higher Education Data Warehousing Forum
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Event Code of Conduct

The primary goal of HEDW is to ensure a conducive environment for learning and sharing that fosters collaboration and openness and the exchange of ideas and knowledge amongst participants   As such, this HEDW Event Code of Conduct applies to all persons at HEDW Events regardless of whether the event is virtual or in-person and regardless of whether the person is a presenter, attendee, sponsor or guest.
By participating in a HEDW event, you agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct for the duration of the entire event. The event organizers reserve the right to take appropriate action, including warning, expulsion, or reporting to relevant authorities, in response to any violations of this code of conduct.  In the case of expulsion, no refund of any event fees will be given.  Violators may also be restricted from future HEDW events.  All participants are encouraged to report any violations to event staff.
Respect and Inclusivity:
Professionalism:Safety, Security, and Compliance: