Higher Education Data Warehousing Forum
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Code of Conduct

HEDW Code of Conduct

Approved by the HEDW Executive Board on May 12, 2020

  The HEDW Executive Board is committed to observing and promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct within its operations and activities. The following is a set of principles and practices that will set parameters and provide guidance and direction for conduct and decision-making. Members agree to accept this code as a minimum guideline for ethical conduct and shall:
  1. Faithfully abide by the governing documents of HEDW.
  2. Exercise reasonable care, good faith and due diligence in organization matters.
  3. Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information of fact that would have significance in board decision-making.
  4. Exercise the powers invested for the good of all members rather than for his or her personal benefit, or that of the institution they represent.
  5. Remain accountable for prudent fiscal management to the HEDW Board and members.
  6. Maintain a professional level of courtesy, respect, and objectivity at all times.
  7. Ensure the right of all HEDW members to participate in an environment free from discrimination or harassment due to gender, sexual orientation, national origin, race, religion, age, political affiliation or disability.
  8. Respect the diversity of opinions within the HEDW membership and formally register dissent as appropriate.
  9. Promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership among the membership.